Resolve Conflicts - Instant Relief for a High Vibration pt.2

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Step Six: Compassionately Review the Situation From the Other Person's Point of View

When you start to feel settled down, give a genuine effort to taking a look at the situation from the other person's point of view. See where they may have been correct, see where they may be coming from with the point of view; try to imagine how you would respond to the situation if you were them. Doing this will help you find balance in the conflict. This is important because it is so vital to keep in mind that no matter what happened or who you're angry with, that person did not set out to harm you. No one ever does. It is primarily how we perceive situations and interactions that frames how we feel about them. But no one and I do mean no one wakes up in the morning planning to cause you harm. Therefore, please know that if someone did, it wasn't their purposeful intent and that is a way to resolve it.

Step Seven: Heal The Wound With an Energetic Closure Conversation

Now that you have elevated yourself to the place of being able to see things from both sides, now you can begin to heal the and position yourself for a better future interactions. In this step of conflict resolution, he returned to the method of having a conversation alone by yourself with the other person involved in the situation. Again, you're not have this conversation with that person in front of you, you're going to connect to your inner self and say what you will now have to say to this person from this new place of understanding.

So, send quiet place of loan, close your eyes and envision a person sitting in front of you in the same room. Say to that person everything is in your heart now and tell them how you feel about what happened and what you would like to see happen next. Close this energetic conversation by making an agreement with the other person. Make an agreement that makes you feel peaceful and whole inside and then imagine you in that person agreeing on those terms and imagine yourself giving them a handshake. Flow with moment say whatever you truly mean and he will be surprised by how much peace you find.

The purpose of this step is to make yourself feel at peace about the entire situation and begin to find closure. As you genuinely feel internal relief about what happened, the physical energies surrounding yourself, the other person, and the situation will literally began to change. Most likely, before too long, you will feel physical shift in your energy and you will feel much better about the situation and you will finally arrive at the most important step: letting it go.

Step Eight: Really Let it Go

letting it go is the most important step you can never take in your life regarding your relationship with others. If you allow yourself to keep in mind the fact that no one set out to harm you, it's easier to understand why it's so important to let things go. Holding onto things only hurts one person and it's the person is holding onto them. So getting to a place where you have made peace with whatever occurred as well as the other person or people involved in what occurred is really for your own benefit and not for the years. The reason for this is that when we hold on to those initial feelings that we had at the beginning of the circumstances, we carry them with us like baggage. Letting go of the baggage makes you feel lighter, it makes you happier, it changes your environment, and allows you to be able to attract good and happy things to yourself because you are at the meeting included in happy vibration. If you hold on the things you begin to hold onto that vibration and attract those situations as well. So it's really up to you. You can either choose to hold on to the past or you can choose to let it go. If you hold onto it, you will continue to experience things just like it because you are holding that energy. If you let it go and set your desired energy instead, you will begin to experience those things.

I understand that truly letting things go sounds easy but may not be so much, but it's the only way to get free and continue moving forward in your life. So you have to find some way to appease yourself and smooth out your feelings regarding situation enough to be able to truly let it go. I promise, you'll be glad you did it.

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