How to Get What You Want - Table of Contents
1. Be truly clear about what you want and be certain of it
2. Clear up your hesitations and doubts
3. Let go of your old self image - we're building something new
4. Keep your thoughts in Line WWNYD
5. Surround yourself with positive influences and affirmations
6. When your brain starts to take you off track, catch yourself and reset
7. Practice. Start with something easy to create that you're not attached to
8. See Yourself at the End of the Tunnel
9. Use the momentum you now have to get you "There"
This is all about taking deliberate steps to set up your life the way you want it to be.
Two years, a Harris Poll conducted on American Happiness found that, overall, only 33% of the people surveyed characterized themselves as being "happy." The study did not cover the reasons or the actions of the interviewees. That tends to be the way thing go when we evaluate ourselves internally. We know the 'what' because it's beaming loud and clear, but we can't for the life of us put a finger on the bottom line of the why.
This article will help you move beyond that cycle and improve your ability to take control and start a new life, building it exactly the way you want it to be.
If you think about a time when you were truly happy with the life circumstances you had created for yourself, and the music and honest look back at how you got to where you were, most of what you will be looking at is a sort of modified version of what you are really doing it how you were truly feeling like you are creating this current, desirable experience.
What I mean by that is when things living going good for really long time it's easy to forget how you really did it and what led up to you getting there.
By contrast, when things have been going in a different way, we tend to brood over the situation and often sit and spend way too much time thinking about what we consider to be the mistakes we made to get there.
If we are honest with ourselves but take away judgment, it's easy to identify decisions are you maybe got you where you are today when you're not super excited about where that place may be.
Our time and energy will be best spent remembering the facts about the last time we were happy with the way we were living and doing what we can to not only re-create those positive steps but also convince ourselves that if we did then, we can do it again.
What you did back then was really just a series of steps you took most likely without overthinking it anywhere able to get into the flow of life and life delivered to you a great experience.
Let's re-create that journey right now together and blow through the steps required to adjust your reality and make is something you feel is worth living.
1. Be truly clear about what you want and be certain of it
If you go through a drive-thru and you tell the person on the other side of the speaker that you are really hungry and really want something and just give it to you, literally saying give it to me, what are the odds that that person is going to give you something that you actually like? Not many great.Maybe you are in the mood for Berger and you got chicken nuggets. Or maybe you did get the Berger but you hate ketchup and mustard and the burger is slathered with it. I maybe the burger was just right except for one crucial didn't get fries with that.
Either way it is highly unlikely that you are going to be a happy camper and it's all because of one simple fact. You did not ask for what you want.
The first step to getting anything is to ask for it. And for our purposes right now, you need to ask for it clearly and without negative emotion. You can't ask for something from place of pain and suffering and expect it to lead to joy and happiness.
You wants to make clear what you want, why you want it, and as long is it doesn't bring up any feelings of resistance or conflict with in you, you may even be able to go a step further and describe the details of it. What color is it? How does is the smell? Does he have a tan?
And don't just say it, write it down
And if you are artistically inclined, job picture of what you will look like when you have it. All of these things will help solidify your vision for what you want and, in that solidification, you will be transmitting one clear-cut message out into the ethers of the universe broadcasting with clarity exactly what you want it to deliver.
Who could possibly say no to that?
2. Clear up your hesitations and address any doubts you have about your ability to get it
The only thing that can get you off of your platform of belief is the quiet gnawing of disbelief.
So for every part of you have any portion of a hangup on the topic for which you are going to deliver, you need to address it right away.
For example, as a graphic designer, I recently decided that I wanted to bring in new, longer-term clients instead of continuing to work on a lot of individual projects.
It took about six times longer for me to manifest that desire solely because I was having an internal conflict about it that I not only did not clear up but I wasn't even acknowledging.
I had two separate parts within myself. One that wanted those longer-term projects because I know that when I am able to get deep into a product or brand, the longer I'm involved with that brand the more powerful my design ideas become. That makes me a better designer and that makes my clients happier and more profitable.
I learned that this was the case because many times after ending the project I weighed suddenly have thought to her three months later that I knew would have been a fantastic idea for that particular client. I often want to share the idea but for a lot of reasons it did not seem like a suitable thing to do.
The reason I could not come up with the idea sooner will simply because the objectives and personality and messages of the company just did not have enough time to meld into my spirit since most of my projects are done and in less than two months. They're also usually very rushed and so once the hustle is off and I'm able to sit with the thoughts and messaging, a stream of fantastic ideas usually follow.
So, instead of continuing on the path, I decided that I wanted to bring in and manage longer-term projects.
When I was unaware of was that I also had a subconscious thought churning beneath that beautiful and pure desire.
One of the reasons I enjoy the aspect of working individual projects is unable to quickly accomplish something amazing and effective and then I get to move onto the next one.
It also meant I did not have to open up and become too emotionally involved with those whom I work with on a personal level. Naturally, that keeps things a lot less messy, but sometimes life is supposed to be messy so that is something I'm willing to give up. However, since I have not looked in the face and called it out for what it was, basically fear of intimacy and deep partnership, it was battling against my efforts.
For months I was getting inquiries from strangers who love my work but one by one they would just drop off. I've been in this business for two decades and, until I started having this internal battle, I had a 95% sign rate. That means that if the client found me online or through a headhunter, only 5% of the time did not turn into a partnership agreement.
I was so used to that way of being, I had come to honestly just expect every new lead interaction to become a signed client.
That belief was such a part of my life that as I started to watch that 95% client sign-up rate turn into a 0% rate despite the fact that my work was 200% better than it was a year prior, I had to really work hard and not falling into a depressive train of thought. That was really difficult because I did not have an explanation for what was happening. My work was better, I was getting multiple times more leads than in the past, I had redesigned my website and even I thought it was beautiful, that never happens, and I was seeing more listings for graphic design jobs than I ever had in my entire life. But there I sat, living on my savings account and wondering what the hell I was going to do to break the cycle I was experiencing.
That's when I dug deep into my get the heck out of this whole regime and started increasing my self-development efforts and deliberately working to clear my mind and increase my vibration.
In it, she described those two conflicting opinions and all of a sudden I could clearly see what I have been doing to myself for so many months.
As I recognize the problem, my attitude improved in my situation quickly changed. I didn't do anything different than what I was already doing except show up without friction in my soul and that one thing changed everything.
3. Don't worry about whether or not it fits in with some old self image you had of yourself
This new thing you are wanting maybe something you have never experienced in the past but that has nothing to do with your ability to experience it now.
You might even be wanting to venture off into an entirely new realm of experience, which is not only incredibly awesome but also exactly what living life is really all about.
The since you've never had the experience, intimate the country to allow that to play some distance between you and your vision. Don't. Life is all about trying new things in new experiences and simple truth is that as we get older we just forget that. Doing something you've never done can be the very best thing to ever do for yourself. Besides, you're doing this to be a different you. If you keep doing the same know how the rest of that goes.
So count yourself as a brave life-liver and prepared to do things you never thought you would, see things you never knew your eyes wanted to see, and go places your imagination could not take you before because you did not know that they existed.
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From PR Newswire |
4. Keep your thoughts in Line WWNYD
That stands for What Would the New You Do.
As you look forward into your future experience of living out this new life you are creating where you get what you want, help yourself get there faster by making decisions in a way that the future you would make those decisions.
This will also speed up your efforts and help you get to where you're going even faster.
On top of that, it will help you get into the mindset of the person you are trying to become. There is absolutely no better way to be something then by taking the time to think like that something would think. You know how powerful the mind is. And you know that the majority of what you create comes from your thoughts. So if you start thinking in the same way the future you thinks, on a you look up and realize future you is are you living in the present.
So as you walk that line of changing the trajectory of your mind, you will have to take active steps in order to avoid the contradictory thoughts that got you into your right now present moment.
You can do that by getting yourself into brand-new environments and feeling your mind with supportive thoughts and, if possible, go a step further by physically getting involved in things that the new you with absolutely be involved in.
Now you got energy moving and carrying you in the right direction.
continue reading, "Want Something You Don't Have? How to Take Control and Get What You Want"
Photo Credits: Business photo created by jigsawstocker - Travel photo created by freepic.diller -
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